You may think you don’t need a first-time homebuyer’s certificate, but it’s a good idea to take a few hours to obtain one. A certificate shows you’ve completed educational requirements to prepare you mentally and financially to buy a home. Plus, completion of a course may make you eligible for some first-time homebuyer assistance or income qualified programs such as grants, down payment assistance, and zero interest loans.

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Improve Your Debt-to-Credit Ratio

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Among the criteria that lenders use to determine your eligibility for a mortgage loan is your debt-to-credit (DTC) ratio. According to Equifax, one of three major credit reporting entities used by lenders, landlords, credit card companies, employers, and others, debt-to-credit is the amount you owe across all revolving accounts compared to the amount of revolving credit available to you. This is one component that comprises 30% of your total credit score, and it includes your payment history, how many credit accounts you’ve got and what types of credit they are.

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Unmarried? Buy Property as Joint Tenants

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

For those who aren’t married, the housing market doesn’t have to pass you by: you and your significant other, best friend, family member, or business partner can purchase a home together as joint owners. Simply decide how you want to buy, use and, eventually, sell the property to determine what form of ownership goes onto the deed—as tenants in common, or as joint tenants with the right of survivorship.   

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Yes, Winter is a Great Time to Sell Your Home

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Cold weather won’t deter a motivated homebuyer. Corporate relocations often take place before the new year and those employees want to find a home now. Buyers want to get their children enrolled in school before the second semester begins. Homebuyers may feel they have a better chance of finding a home while their competitors nest at home until the snow melts. 

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